Crisis Management

Newspapers, television channels, radio stations and social media feeds thrive on reporting product recalls, asbestos exposures, transport accidents, pollution, mine collapses, drugs in sport, sudden executive departures, data thefts and other events which have the potential to significantly damage or ruin an organisation’s ongoing viability. Reputations can take years to develop but may only require a few hours or some choice words to be destroyed. Other crisis events never make the news (e.g. ransom ware or file napping) but can easily bring an organisation to it’s knees.

Sadly, many organisations still do not pro-actively consider their potential threats before a crisis; while others prefer to keep their heads in the sand (thinking it will all just go away or a ‘good’ PR firm and expensive lawyers will fix it). These businesses continue to fail to see the ‘bigger picture’. Approximately 60 percent of all executives who read this paragraph will think crisis management only applies to other organisations and other industries. They are wrong. Today, good corporate governance includes sound crisis management planning.

Karza assists organisations, large and small, to establish comprehensive and integrated crisis management systems. We help you identify threats, create crisis plans, develop crisis teams, implement scenario based training and review crisis preparedness.

Karza Audit Systems Risk Management Investigations Project Management


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